A car halted my entire city's traffic
I was calmly working on my industrial sector and then I go look downtown and I see that there's a huge gridlock almost everywhere I go. I follow it and spot ONE singular car stopping EVERYONE from moving through.
I am going to leave a video of it here, screenshots just weren't enough to capture the sheer ridiculousness of this... I apologize if the quality is bad, that's OBS being funky, not the game, though the lag IS the game...
Anyways, once you see the video you can also spot a police car stopping everyone else's path because it wants to change lanes, and lots of other vehicles that are doing honky wonky U-turns and lane changing. I have no idea why this was caused, there is no traffic accident icon, there's no traffic light or pedestrian walkway causing it, just thin air and magic, and by magic I mean glitches.
I know for a fact that they didn't want to simply turn left or right into a building because that car's destination was literally like 10 blocks away from where it was.
Moving on, I think I just experienced the weirdest bug ever and I'm posting this because of course it's a bug and because I want to know if anyone else has experienced this...
Like, my entire city is in a standpoint. The vehicle has not despawned even after like some good 5 to 8 minutes of letting the game run. I have yet to see if it's gone because I literally just did an autosave and closed the game after a good while.