Guy was STARVING but not for food.

I was at this big mall in the city with my sis a few weeks ago. We're sitting eating lunch and I was saying how I regretted getting fire at NY Fries since I'm not a fan.

Then *poof* random CB appears. He walks up to our table and says "Please, can you help me, I'm starving, very hungry, I have no money, can you please help me out??" And I'm like holy shit, a person who needs food and I have fries I don't want, perfect trade! So I tell him:

Me: "Would you like my fries? I haven't touched them and I don't need them."

CB: "No, no, no, not food, I'll take cash though."

Me: "Uhh no sorry."

CB: "If you don't have cash I can do card or credit?"

Both of us are kinda stunned like sir wtf? So my sis tells him no and before we can return to lunch a lady walks over with a hot dog and offers it to the guy and he does his thing again "No, no, cash or card. I need cash or card." She offers to get him food but he's also not interested. See him 5 mins later with another lady who has agreed to buy him food despite her families *you shouldn't do that* look. We think we saw her take out her card in full view and the guy staring directly at the numbers on said card, basically she exposed it to him, but I can't be sure.

So he basically won in the end. People will never learn.