AITA for telling my sister the harsh truth and telling her to shut up about my children?

English is not my first language, so excuse me for any misspellings og grammar errors.

Me (30f) and my sister (28f) has never really had a good relationship. Most of that is due to our poor upbringing as children, which is a while other, long story.

Anyway, I'm currently 16 weeks pregnant after trying for almost 3 years. I have a 5 year old daughter as well. And just a couple of hours ago my sister called me and really stressed me out. The conversation went a little like this:

Sister: "Hi, just wanted to check, have you heard anything from CPS yet?"

Me: "No, why would I? Did something happen?"

Sister: "No not really, but I called them and informed them that you are pregnant with your second"

Me: "Why?"

Sister: "Beacuse you said you were not doing it"

Me: "Again, why? Of course I'm not calling everyone telling I'm pregnant, especially not someone I don't know"

Sister: " They have a right to know"

Me: "No, they do not. What the hell are you talking about?"

Sister: "They should know when to come and get your baby"

Me: "Excuse me, what?"

Sister: "They won't let you have 2 children, you need to pick one, if you don't pick then they will take both"

Me: "That is not how it works, in (our country) we can have 12 children without CPS coming and taking them away"

Sister: "No, it's beacuse of our childhood trauma that CPS takes the children, they took both mine when my youngest was born"

Me: "They took your children because you were abusing them. When your youngest was 3 weeks old you broke her shoulder and 2 of her ribs because you got angry at her for crying. I don't abuse my children so CPS won't care how many children I have"

Sister: "That is not why they took them, they took them because they didn't like the fact that I was abused as a child. And you were even more abused as a child so they will take your children away"

Me: "Yes, I was more abused, but I worked through that abuse and make sure that any children in my care do not get abused in any way. You on the other hand, you can't control your anger and you hurt your children, that is why CPS took them, so shut the f*** up about my children and my life"

Then I hung up. She's been texting me calling me an AH for bringing up her abuse towards her children, trying to tell me that she had every right to since it is her children and she is convinced that CPS will take my baby once it is born. I know they won't. I'm not worried about that. She's been telling everyone that I attacked her and makes her want to unalive herself. Now, I feel like I went a little overboard with my answer back to her and feel a little guilty.

UPDATE: I talked to CPS this morning and they told me that they had no phone call on the record from my sister. So idk what is going on. I also talked to my father yesterday when he finished work about this whole ordeal. He said not to worry, he would take care of her behaviour. He also told me that since my sisters husband is done with his jailtime, CPS is planning to give her children back. The husband apparantly told them that it was an accident. It has been 4 years since the incident with their child happened and now they are getting the children back, apparantly. Idk if it is true or not, but it is what my sister has told our father. It could be a lie or CPS could be that stupid. Idk. And to answer some repeated questions and comments: • I'm LC with my sister, I never call her, she always calls me, and it is not that often she calls either. She does not have a job or a license so she can't affors to travel 5 hours to my city, and even if she does, she does not know where I live exactly, she just know which city. • The one who abused me in my childhood was mainly my mother, my father was not innocent but he has apologized and showed me how regretful he is. (I could make a seperate post about my childhood, but that would be a long one). • The reason I say that if she visited she would not be allowed to be alone with me or the children is because I have issues being rude. I feel guilty if I just hang up on someone, smacks the door in their faces or even if I don't smile to people. I'm working on it and my husband is working with me on it. • I would have had no doubts about wether I'm the AH or not had she not told me she wanted to unalive herself. Whenever she or my mother would say that I would break down crying, I don't want a death on my already fragile coinscience. Selfish reason, I know.