Popper vs. Harbaugh - the Battle we Never Expected

As most of you know, Coach Harbaugh is extremely vague and cautious when addressing the injury status of his players. As most of you also know, Pestering Popper (or “PP”) has a knack for badgering coaches on player status (It’s his job. To a degree, I don’t blame him).

The tension between the two of them has escalated every week since mini camp (and sadly as injuries have piled up). I could barely listen to Coach’s presser last Friday as the contention between him and Popper was so high that I almost felt like I was there being yelled at 😂. Now, it you go listen to this morning’s presser, Coach defers on specifying Joe Alt’s injury and when Popper follows up with a classic “PP” question, Jim sternly shuts him down (I’d give it a listen it’s about 1 minute in).

I know there’s been some dialogue in here on their tension, but I’m curious if Popper changes his approach. I love Coach Harbaugh’s aloofness and while I eat up Popper’s info, he kinda annoys the crap out of me. Our prior coach (he who shall not be named) almost did Popper a disservice as he clearly isn’t used to dealing with an alpha