Anyone Else Tired of Gluten Free Options also being Vegan?

Is anyone else tired of going to the gluten free options in the store, and seeing that half of those options are gluten free AND vegan? Like the best way to market anything is to make it vegan and gluten free, cause that's what those crazy health freaks want, right?

I'm so tired of it! I've already cut out one giant food group, don't deprive me of anything else! Give me my eggs, butter and milk please!!!! So many times I go to a co-op or something, see a gluten free cake, and its also vegan. And it tastes like crap. Aren't vegans tired of losing flour?

I look up gluten free recipes on pinterest or some random site and all the recipes are gluten free and vegan? With random extra alts like maple syrup instead of sugar? Please give me normal gluten free recipes oh my god.

And to be clear, I'm not asking for recipes or places to get gluten free food. I'm just upset that gluten free and veganism are so closely tied that so much of gluten free food is also unnecessarily made vegan.