How to trust God, despite his many mysteries?

Hi everyone. I'm Catholic for a very long time (more than 10 years) and recently I've been going through a hardship in life that really put my trust in God to the test. For context, I've been in a phase of spiritual dryness for about 2 years. Sometimes I feel Him, and I definitely see God acting in other people, but most of the time, it's like he doesn't exist. Since I'm praticant Catholic for quite a while, I've taken no problem with that. I know that feeling God is an extra and won't happen all the time, and that this shouldn't be the base of our faith and trust. So I've been more or so constant despite the lack of feelings in these last few years. However, because of the hardship I've mentioned, all my questions about God came flooding back. It made me question suffering and why it's so randomly spread around the world, and how will I know if God will make my particular suffering go away, or if he'll permit that more suffering and even death come into my life. Because I can't understand God's actions surrounding this I can't trust him that everything will turn out alright. In my life, there were cases where I prayed and prayed and things turned out alright (I'm talking about miraculous healing here), other time, I lost an important person to me, and no amount of prayer avoided that. So now I'm left scared and confused. The most important person in my life is suffering and I'm terrified they're going to suffer more, but I can't trust God that He'll make the suffering go away because sometimes he attends my prayers, sometimes he doesn't. The lack of feeling doesn't help and I've been pretty miserable these days.

My question is, how to deal with God's mysteries and trust in Him despite that? I'm at a loss of what to do. Any help from fellow Catholics is welcome.