Will my cat be okay re-homed?
My home is no longer safe for my cat. My dad has been using my cat as leverage against me for the 3 years I've had my baby and this time I have reason to believe he will give my cat away, even maybe sell him, or just dump him in the streets IF I don't keep the cat locked up outside in our high rise balcony.
Is it right I'm choosing to rehome? My dad basically said anytime he's home and the cat isn't locked up in the balcony, then he would give the cat away. I feel like that's so so cruel and I'd rather my cat be in a more peaceful and less stressful home.
I'm absolutely heartbroken. I feel like I'm losing a child. I'm getting out of this house as soon as I can but my cat needs to go first. Please, I need any advice or words of encouragement that I'm doing the right thing. I'm so scared for my baby. It would be an indefinite rehome because I am in no position to move out anytime soon.
Edit: thank you for the kind words. I'm definitely rehoming him now. I have 2 friends who I think would be good candidates. If it falls through with them, I'll be posting in the Facebook groups to find a suitable new home.