Husband doesn’t believe cat can be bored.
We have what I have noticed to be a highly intelligent almost 7 month old kitten. I try very hard to give her play time and attention and often try to come up with new ways for her to play. She has everything she could want because she’s spoiled but obviously I’ve learned to rotate play toys and keep her interested in those toys. Once her spay onsite is off I’d like to start training her as well to become an adventure kitten. She is already trained on speech buttons.
The problem is it has taken a long time to get as far as we have come and she gets bored in between trainings. My husband says she’s not bored and if she was she go play with or without us. I can tell she is bored because she tends to lay on him licking herself more than she does all day. So I usually put down my schoolwork and play her.
How do I get it to through to my husband that cats can actually get bored?