Should I ignore my recentish adopted senior cat?

I already have one elderly cat named Bunny. I adopted the second one a month ago. Her name is Sophie and she's 10+ years angry.

Sophie's good in small environments like the kitchen or bathroom. Leaving them means she gets freaked out to the point of hiding, using the hiding spot as her bathroom, and never leaving. Both the kitchen and bathroom have toys and things to climb on or kill. She's happily rolling around in either room. Environment isn't an issue. It's the size of the environment that freaks her out.

Sophie is the recently adopted kind of spicy. But, she knows her name, might allow a head scratch, and will respond to a hard no. I respect her space.

For the past few days, Sophie hasn't wanted me beyond necessity. I'll feed her, fill her water bowl, etc. Anything beyond that results in anger. For example, Sophie used to sniff my hand and her staying in place was her telling me I could give her a little scratch. Now, it's sniff and kill. She doesn't want me to play with her anymore, either.

Besides her anger, Sophie is rolling around and eating and being a normal cat.

I don't blame her for being angry. Sophie is allowed to feel as she likes. If she's angry with me, I can only respond to it as best I can.

Since she doesn't want me approaching her, would 'getting the message' be the best way to address this? Should I just leave her alone?

I'm not saying leave her alone and let her approach on her own terms because she'll approach on her own and pull out the murder mittens.