Birthday in December? Well then, this is for you.

EDIT: This... got way more traffic than I thought it would! 😅 Both great and sad to see there's so many of us affected by this. Let us also support our fellow January babies next month, as they get the other end of the shitty stick we're getting now.

Is your birthday in December too?

Are you sick and tired of your birthday being overshadowed by stories of some hippy being nailed to a giant chocolate egg 200 years ago or whatever?

Are you tired of being told you'll get a joint birthday and Christmas present that will be great, knowing full well it'll be three pairs of socks and a Lynx Africa set?

Are you tired of no-one being available for birthday drinks, but happily going to 27 different Christmas drinks?

Well, just know that I see you, and I share your pain. So this month...

  • May every 6-pack of Wotsits you buy have 7 packs in them

  • May every traffic light be green

  • May the day Piers Morgan has a terrible fall at home be YOUR birthday

  • May you never have to hear Mariah "The Dolphin Of Pop" Carey's godawful wailing

  • May James Corden never darken your screens

And above all...

  • May your actual birthday be reet proper good like

Yours, another December baby (10th).