I have some questions about CPS and THC in pregnancy.
Context. I used to be an everyday smoker, when I found out I was pregnant I immediately stopped. I went and got some blood work done and left a pee sample. Now google says it takes 90 days for THC to leave your pee for frequent users, it hasn’t been 90 days yet so I did test positive for THC. The lady on the phone said that if I failed again during my 3rd trimester pee test, they will contact CPS.
Another thing to mention is my fucking baby daddy, he still smokes, and he does it around me, I’ve yelled at him many of times to not do it around me because it could affect our baby, but he doesn’t think it’s that big of a deal.
I’m 100% sure that this positive pee test was because it hasn’t been my 90 days, but could second hand smoke also give me a positive test?
And if I test positive again (which I am really hoping I don’t and I am going to try everything in my fucking power to get it to be negative), can CPS take my baby away from me at birth?
I’m honestly losing my shit and I’m so confused by all of this honestly. I don’t want to lose my kid when I haven’t smoked.
(little edit, I’m in Michigan!)