Dear Central board of secondary education....
With all due to respect, WHAT THE FUCK!!! me along with millions of students worked fucking day and night so that score good marks in the exam and make their parents happy. I did not sleep, studied despite burnout in hopes of scoring good but your fucking board just wants to experiment everything on us. Man i want to score good so that my parents and teacher can be happy but I can't like this, you can't just asked questions out of microscopic boxes. I realisation that I have done some MCQ wrong seriously demotivated along with others . Please, CBSE board please make a better paper which could be attempted even by below average students so that they can pass. We already suffer from continuous pressure from society and then you do this. I can explain to the parents that the question paper was hard but won't change my fucking result. Fuck you CBSE !!!!!
I request to make the next paper better and attemptable.
Please 🙏🏻.