PUT YOUR PHONE AWAY. You’re not doing ANYTHING important!!!!!

PUT YOUR PHONE AWAY. You’re not doing ANYTHING important!!!!!

If you’re a chronic phone addict like me and fall victim to endless scrolling, maybe you identify with this feeling:

You pick up your phone with some vague but compelling objective. You HAVE to do some thing or another on your phone. Check your emails. Make a to-do list. But inevitably, you end up doomscrolling. Because that’s what your dopamine-addicted brain wanted all along.

Put the phone away. I promise you you’re not doing anything of value on instagram or Pinterest or anything of the sort.

Even me making this Reddit post. I felt real stupid picking up my phone (for the last time today) and making this post. I wondered if it was important. But I figure if my small epiphany was helpful for me, it could be helpful for someone else who relates.

Put that damn phone away <<<333

Btw this is copied post I found it quite useful