MBA Loan repayment that no one talks about

Assume you end up in BLACKIMS or the least top new IIMs league schools, and you're above average in BLACKI or extraordinary in others, you'll end up with around 20L package. Which will be around 1.25 L per month in your account.

Now, the auto debit may range from 30-50k depending on your loan repayment plan. If 50k, your CTC becomes 12L for next 3 years not 20. You'll switch to 25/27 CTC in 3 years, sure. But you'll be earning 15/16 and not 25/27 till atleast 5 years, or till you repay.

Keep this in mind before jumping into investment plans and others and even make the decision of MBA on if it's worth it for you given your current situation and earning potential, basis this (don't overthink though).

And that's why I never advice people to do MBA from T3 schools which take 15+ fee and gives 5-8+ placements. 90% of people take loans. This post isn't for people who can afford to pay from dad's pockets.