Never lose hope

I made this meme in October thinking that I'd share this after results are announced, the highest I've ever scored in an IMS mock (SimCAT) is 66ile and that too in mid-September. All my recent mocks in November never went above 56ile most of the times it was between 30-40ile. Never cleared sectionals. But I knew this won't be the story on C-day. And here I am with a 95.63ile with all sectionals cleared, posting this as a redemption that I planned in October. So for those who got their expected percentiles, congratulations and for those who didn't, keep your head up...

। दुनिया खतम नही हुई है।

I made this meme in October thinking that I'd share this after results are announced, the highest I've ever scored in an IMS mock (SimCAT) is 66ile and that too in mid-September. All my recent mocks in November never went above 56ile most of the times it was between 30-40ile. Never cleared sectionals. But I knew this won't be the story on C-day. And here I am with a 95.63ile with all sectionals cleared, posting this as a redemption that I planned in October. So for those who got their expected percentiles, congratulations and for those who didn't, keep your head up...

। दुनिया खतम नही हुई है।