Can’t move on from this girl

I dated a girl from South America a few years ago.

During the beginning of the relationship, she was everything I ever wanted in a girlfriend. Caring, affectionate, cheerful, attentive…

But then after a few months a lot of conflict started to arise. She would blame me for everything, get aggressive and shame me a lot.

I had to break up with her, because we moved to Europe and she was also starting to show interest to other guys even in front of me, also constant arguments and any self awareness on how she was treating me.

It really took a toll on myself esteem because of the things she told me, how she was humiliating me, and also because she pretty much was denying everything when I was confronting her.

It’s been some years since, I went to therapy, I continued with my life, even dated other people.

But this girl never left my mind… probably because she was very attractive, also because I experienced a very strong emotional connection at the beginning, maybe also because of the trauma bonding.

I’m a little but worried if I’m going to get stuck like this forever, no matter how much I try I can’t seem to move on. It’s been already years…

And also I feel sad that for such a short relationship (less than 6 months) have left this level of hurt in me.

Anyone has any advice/tips on it?