She broke up with me
She broke up with me after laughing, napping together, playing games on her iPad. I planned this weekend to spend together, I scrapped up the little money I had to get a hotel so we can be more private with our time (my house tends to be a little hectic with my family) and everything was good we watched YouTube together until she fell asleep, and showered together. Next day we left to go to my house and I made her breakfast and this tea she really likes later grabbed a pizza and even took her to get some sweets. The next day on Sunday she was kinda of in and out of sleep and has to leave at 4 for cheer practice. She went in the bathroom came out and said she had to go so I gave her her I pad which I was playing on and I asked if I could walk her to her car and she said no it’s fine. Seemed off to me. So I called her on her 1 hour commute and got ignored until she texted me that she’ll call after practice so I waited. Until she called and just said “I think we should break up” her reasoning she doesn’t feel like we are compatible. I just can’t grasp my head around this 3 weeks ago she was telling my mom she couldn’t live without me and telling me that she would move anywhere my job was and be by my side. And she just dropped this bomb on me. I can’t eat I can’t sleep and I’m using all my strength not to relapse. She is really the one for me and I’ve never had anyone be that special to me in my life. I am beyond broken, I feel sick, I’m praying she calls me to let me know it was a mistake but I don’t feel like that will happen. I gave everything and anything for this woman, I would do my best to relieve as much stress from her life as possible, I went above and beyond for her. Any advice or kind words is appreciated.