Feeling they cant find better

Do you ever genuinely feel like they will never find better. Sometimes I feel like I want them back, but sometimes I literally feel like there's no one better they could find for themselves other than me. Like if they just opened up a bit more or did x, y, or z, they'd realize, but now they're gone and they'll never really know. I guess that their fault, but shit. I think the more important question is, will they're be anyone better for you? You might think your the best for them, but do you also think they're the best for you. The weird thing for me is I really don't know. I feel like yes one hundred percent and in some sense they knew the same and in some have done me a wise favor by being the one to step up and say, hey look, we're not going to work out. You want to keep this up, but I don't think its good for me, thus it shouldn't be good for you. It's like they're looking out for you by looking out for themselves. But the time slips away, I guess we enjoyed it while it lasted and I best make the most of what's left.