Some late-game questions.
I've got about a hundred hours over the past couple months into Breakpoint, and I'm having a great time. I play Pathfinder (with a fun bug that lets me keep the class item of the last class I used) with the Honey Badger and M590.
First question, and it's on behalf of my dad who's playing at the same time: in the final fight with Walker, how the hell do you do it? I was able to grenade the two groups of Wolves then shoot his drones down pretty easily, but he gets killed within 3-5 seconds - and I do too when I try on his save file. The fight feels unwinnable.
Other Q's, for me:
Playing in Conquest now that I finished the main story, and it's pretty fun. I'm doing a mission on the left side of Auroa (forget the area name) where I have 10-15 min to run up and down a bunch of mountains and free Outcasts tied to bombs. That part isn't bad - having every enemy be like a Wolf in terms of armor is fun - but the issue for me is that I get shot by helicopters or tagged by an Azrael, both of which fly over every minute or so. Ten minutes to run the course is doable, but when I'm having to shoot down or hide from drones and helicopters every minute I lose too much time. Any suggestions?
Seekers. How the fuck do I deal? I get that I can use thermals, which helps even if white-hot kinda sucks for CQB, but I can't tag them at all and they're functionally invisible. Anything I should know on finding/dealing with them? I do enjoy the harder enemies.
Other than all that, do y'all have suggestions for playstyle or settings changes that make the game more fun?