Meeple is lowkey kinda strong in Brawl Hockey
Both of his gadgets are very good in Brawl Hockey, especially the stun gadget, that allows for some free goals 90% of the time, most times the enemy is busting u down so the stun lasts longer.
Some other brawlers with stuns could do that, like sandy, but not only it would be harder as his stun comes from the main attack but also because his range is unnexistant. Meeple in the other hand has a much better range, the stun comes out almost instantly and has a pretty big range aswell. His super is also pretty useful to killing the enemies when they are stuck at spawn + the extra reload speed from SP. Only saw one youtuber point this out recently (SZgusta two, also got the image from his video because i don't have meeple maxed out😶), also had a friend playing with Meeple and he popped off as well, no really nobody knows about this. He might be the same level as Stu or Melodie, altough some extra testing would be nice. He isn't banned at all so deffinitively worth it to try out if the other options are banned.
Both of his gadgets are very good in Brawl Hockey, especially the stun gadget, that allows for some free goals 90% of the time, most times the enemy is busting u down so the stun lasts longer.
Some other brawlers with stuns could do that, like sandy, but not only it would be harder as his stun comes from the main attack but also because his range is unnexistant. Meeple in the other hand has a much better range, the stun comes out almost instantly and has a pretty big range aswell. His super is also pretty useful to killing the enemies when they are stuck at spawn + the extra reload speed from SP. Only saw one youtuber point this out recently (SZgusta two, also got the image from his video because i don't have meeple maxed out😶), also had a friend playing with Meeple and he popped off as well, no really nobody knows about this. He might be the same level as Stu or Melodie, altough some extra testing would be nice. He isn't banned at all so deffinitively worth it to try out if the other options are banned.