Scalpers are sweating 🤣💕

Someone posted this in the Bratz fb community group & I just had to share it with yall! 1. The resellers were trying to post anonymously in the FB group to try and boost demand on their stock of Cady dolls 2. They have a discord where they’re gossiping about our group & saying “fuck the Bratz community” 3. They have “moles” in our group to report back to the discord 4. It looks like MGA is starting to cancel orders that have multiples (not confirmed yet, but it seems like that’s what they are discussing in their discord.

We’re all actively trying to tell collectors NOT to buy from resellers for obvious reasons, but also because their orders might get cancelled on them (fingers crossed!!). And also because we want them to sweat lol😆

Lmk what you guys think :o