Boomer comes in last minute to our store.
This particular boomer is a hassle. No one likes her. She is very rude and demanding.
She comes in 15 minutes before we close every time. She wants 5-6 cases of wine. She'll demand a case of this and a case of that from the back and by the time we see if we have it she's moved on and ignores us.
Last night was especially egregious. She kept asking for cases of wine we didn't have. She got mad and yelled because we had our store rearranged. She didn't know what brands she wanted. We tried to ask clarifying questions and she'd either not reply or just walk away.
At one point I just told her what's on the floor is all we have because we just wanted to close the store. She finally gets what she wants and it's almost 20 minutes after closing.
She does this every time and never comes in earlier or when we have more people to assist her. I was the only one cashiering for the end of the night and the assistant manager was closing out the till of our other cashier.
She then gets frustrated I can't help her more because I'm checking out the last few customers that were still in the store.
These damn entitled boomers.