Do you ever get in those slumps where everything is just 10x worse then usual?
Like I already hate myself daily, the way I look, my acne, my hair. But like then I get into these slumps where all of that is magnified, and I’m not even due for or on my period. I have no desire to workout even tho I usually workout daily. I feel absolutely disgusting, I have no motivation to do anything, I feel 10x uglier, everything in my personal life is stressing me out, everything just feels awful and I HATE this feeling. It’s so much worse than the normal hating how you look daily, cause like I manage with that. But days like today? Just absolutely awful. Look like shit, feel like shit, just .. UGH. I just wanna cry my anger out but I don’t even have the energy to do that. I don’t need advice. Just ranting