I just had a dream about Bitcoin

I just woke up from a dream. I go to the gym with a friend that also is a bitcoiner. And we talk about it as we’re working out. In my dream, as we were training, I checked the Bitcoin price and it was crashing. And guys, I mean it was CRASHING!!

I checked and it was at 6700! I ran to my friend saying “it’s crashing like hell”! And I went to check it again and it was at 15$!!

And do you know what I immediately thought? I’m gonna buy me some more and finally become a whole coiner! So I try to buy it as fast as possible and I bought half a bitcoin for 196$!

And I felt so excited! I was jumping around screaming to my friend “I DID IT! I’M A WHOLE COINER!”” And then I woke up…

This is the moment I realized that I’m never going to sell my bitcoin for “profit”. This is the moment I realized, even subconsciously, that I have no doubts whatsoever about the role of bitcoin in the future! I wasn’t scared it was crashing, I felt so excited I got to buy cheap sats!! I am a hodler and buyer for life! I’m past the point of no return…