Answering some questions about…

The current house situation. Seeing as I have seen some similar questions being asked in the feed discussions, I thought it might be a nice idea to give a concise place to answer these questions. If I make a mistake in an answer, I would appreciate others who are in the know to correct me and I will make the appropriate edits

  1. I’ve been off feeds for a minute, what the heck has been going on in the house?

On Sunday, Tucker, along with Cedric, Cam, and Kenney formed a Ballplayers alliance after Tucker decided to shake things up and reveal that he knows Quinn has a power and that he is dangerous because of it as well as the game he is playing. He is not being malicious when he says this, in fact he respected the game but believed they needed Quinn to be evicted to shake things up. Tucker comes up with a plan to take Angela off the block with his POV and have Cedric put up Quinn as the renom, ensuring that Quinn isn’t only facing Angela and Kenney where he can easily win in the AI Arena, but instead has to contend with Tucker and Kenney.

  1. So if the Veto Ceremony was filmed today, was the plan executed?

This is where it gets interesting. While Cedric was on board at first, he spoke to Makensy (MJ) about putting her up. This is because Cedric was already in two alliances with Quinn. This obviously was not something MJ was pleased with but she would go up if need be but said she would not use it if Angela was up there with her on the block with Kenney. Cedric had went to Tucker to tell him the plan was off, but that didn’t seem to do much good. Tucker follows through with his part of the plan, taking Angela down with his power of veto and exposing Quinn’s power to the entire house. Cedric follows by putting up MJ, who immediately uses her America’s Veto upgrade power to remove herself from the block. The third nominee will be decided by America’s Vote. Tucker was incredibly angry and betrayed by Cedric, calling him (I’m paraphrasing here) a scared little boy. So now it would seem the Ballplayers alliance is off.

  1. Wow that’s a lot. So we get to decide who goes up on the block. How does that work?

After Wednesday’s episode, the American public will be allowed to vote on who they want to have placed on the block. The result will be likely revealed on Thursday’s eviction episode and that houseguest will play with Kenney and Tucker in the AI Arena. The details on how to vote and when voting will be open and then closed will likely be revealed at the conclusion of Wednesday’s episode.

  1. Who can I vote onto the block through America’s veto?

It would be easier to tell you who CANNOT be voted upon: Cedric (HOH), Kenney (On the block), Tucker (on the block), Angela (removed from the block with POV by Tucker), Makensy (removed from the block using her America’s Veto superpower)

  1. Is there a consensus on who feed watchers might be voting for?

Doesn’t seem to be. As of now, most everybody’s name I didn’t mention above has been mentioned in the discussions. You can head over there and check it out for yourself.

  1. So if Quinn is in trouble, could he use the Deepfake HOH to save himself this week?

Nope, the Deepfake HoH upgrade can only be used before initial noms. Quinn has until Week 4 (next week!) to use it. This means if he manages to escape relatively unscathed from this week’s madness, you can almost guarantee that he will use his power next week to potentially exact revenge(?) We shall find out. Should Quinn use this power, he will have the same safety of a normal HOH and cannot be put up for nomination for eviction by that right, even on a re-nomination after Veto.

That’s as many questions as I can think of for now. Like I said, if I missed anything truly important I will gladly edit it in later. Just wanted to do this as a public service for all the feed watchers who might be confused or missed some things. Hope this helps!