My Diphenhydromine (dph) experience
this wasn't a bad experience it was honestly kinda good I haven't had anyone to share this with so it'd just be cool to talk about this was also my 1st time btw
BEFORE DOSE I decided to dph trip like November of last year, just normal otc benadryl but I got a 100 pack. I waited till late to take it cause I knew it was gonna be a interesting experience and I'd get sleepy
the initial plan I was gonna take 10 pills and usually when I take pills it's a little nauseating so I made sure I only ate like lunch so I wasn't full but I had food in my system but pretty much empty stomach
DOSING I downed the pills which I always hate doing now I was very surprised because afterward I was hungry like pretty hungry too I ate 4 pieces of pizza it was getting pretty hard to walk at this point also but it hadn't kicked in yet
THE HIGH Now I can't remember the exact time of everything but it was about 9 pm when it started hitting now here's when shit starts getting cool
I had a very tingling pleasuring sensation in my body I'd honestly compare it to a stimulant like adderall but that's just me, it was EXTREMELY hard to walk gravity was pulling me to the ground like alcohol
My brain was feeling extremely stimulated I was hyper focused on everything and my body was tingling it was getting euphoric and colors were kinda shifting to different shades in the same palet I was hallucinating at this point and I was watching YouTube wasn't anything crazy tho
At this point it's almost 11 so I wanna chill on my bed but I couldn't find a comfortable position so I was just sitting up on my bed back against the wall for a back rest. Now this is some crazy shit u wasn't expecting at all
While I was just sitting on my bed I started nodding off and i was in like a dreaming state each time I started nodding off. I never got up from my bed cause I couldn't walk not that I even wanted to get up. But every time I was in that dream state I was in my bed I was imaging shit that I think I did but I never did like for example I thought I was scrolling in the phone and shit but I realized I nodded off cause I tried gripping my hand tightly cause I couldn't get a good hold on my phone in the dream state but then I realized nothing was in my hand
I kept imagining I was switching positions and shit while I was chilling on bed but I never moved a inch this is very hard to explain but thats the best I can explain
At this point I realized what I was hallucinating and I was amazed so I went to redose
THE PEAK I went to only go take 2 more pills making to total amount I took that night 12 pills at least that's what I thought. and they felt extremely easy to swallow which was odd cause I hate swallowing pills
Now I start nodding off and imagining shit hard here I though I got up and went to my kitchen multiple times but I realized it never happened cause I actually tried moving my legs but I was still glued on my bed
Now it's just a repeat of this until 12 AM and it was pretty cool
By 12:30 I felt extremely fatigued and exhausted like I was actually getting active so I just wanted to sleep and I tried sleeping for 2 hours and I couldn't fall asleep but I was still chilling just embracing this weird body feeling and minor closed eye hallucinations
THE MORNING Now I wake up in the afternoon next day and I went to go re count my pills cause it hit a lot better than I thought and I wanted to see how much I had left and I wanted to resell some and again I had a 100 count bottle
Now I made sure there wasn't any pills on the ground everything was in place but I ended up taking 15 pills which would make more sense for the level I was tripping and I was just shocked
overall it was a nice experience I haven't done dph since then but I'm even fine with tripping again just not sure when but probably soon
I know dph is never anything to mess with and it's pretty horrible and no one should ever use it but that's just my experience im even gonna get this dph syrup it's 30mg per 3 ml robocough is truly a blessing and a curse
Never do dph