Actual choking
I started baby led weaning 2.5 months ago and even though it’s been a “learn as we go” sort of thing, I’ve loved all the variety it can offer and have loved watching my daughter explore new foods.
Yesterday I threw together a quick dinner which she has had numerous times, all prepared the same way and as recommended on safe starts but this time it was different.
She ended up actually choking. Her body was thrashing around in a panic, she couldn’t breathe and I had to perform back blows very quickly.
Thankfully it all dislodged quite quickly and she returned back to her usual self but I am absolutely traumatised and keep thinking “what if?”, I’m a single mother so 99% of our meals I am on my own with nobody to help
I just don’t know if I can move past this and continue blw, please help me any advice would be great