Small things I love about the iX
I know there was a post about what you like about the iX but there are smaller/quirkier things I really like and was wondering if anyone had some others:
- In a sea of light bars I love that the iX looks futuristic but didn't adopt the latest trend and has individual headlights and tail lights without a bar in between them.
- The interior lighting, I love how subdued it is but still looks awesome. I haven't seen another vehicle with the LED lighting next to the glass which gives it that reflection look, it's not overpowering at all.
- Redundancy, there is almost more than 1 way to do everything in this car, love the choice.
- Driving dynamics, its a super heavy car but just pulls and pulls and is super fun to drive even in corners
- Seats, I'm a fan of them, I know a lot aren't but its very easy to get in and out without bolsters getting in the way, I think its a perfect mix.
- Cupholders, for me I don't really use cupholders, so I love they are out of the way not blocking anything, but I know I'm in the minority.
- Choice of B or D, I mainly use B but its nice if someone else wants to drive it that they can go in D and not have to learn 1 pedal driving right off the bat.
- Rear legroom, my kids love the backseat, I know the cargo area isn't as large as many people hope for but the rear legroom is quite nice. This is coming from a Q8 which had great leg room.
- With Radiant heat package, the car gets toasty very quickly
- Free App - I really appreciate this
- Cool windshield wipers and spray integrated
- Amber rear turn signal indicators (I like amber instead of red)
- Built in dashcam just have to hold down button on center console (I know not as robust as Tesla or 3rd party but still nice to have)
- When the Spotify app goes full screen its beautiful, minimalist with background colors to match the album art