My B12 Deficiency Symptoms
25F, 5'9, athletic. Deficient in b12, ferritin, vitamin D, and likely more.
B12 level: 275 currently
suspicious for pernicious anemia and/or autoimmune disorder.
- daily / weekly migraines with aura
- eye pain / dry eye
- vision issues / blurry patches / visual snow has worsened
- ear pain and “underwater” pressure feeling. constantly have to pop my ears. have even been in the ER and they gave me steroids which didn’t help. ENT dismissed me multiple times.
-exercise intolerance and migraines/nausea post exercise that extend days
- numbness / tingling body
- always cold / shivering
- dizzy, nauseous
- balance / coordination issues / syncope episodes
- weak / can't workout like i used to
- losing SO MUCH HAIR (bald patches now)
- hair follicles becoming acne then falling out
- chest pains / high heart rate
- episodes of heart pain where i can't move
- brain fog / mentally feel slow / forgetful / "can't think straight"
- insomnia / not sleeping / chronic fatigue
- bad acne / cystic acne in my mid 20's
- severely depressed / panic / crawling out of skin
- general feeling of unwellness
- permanent swollen lymph node on one side
-two year sore throat 2022-2024, had my tonsils removed but the pain persists and swollen nodes persist. lump on left side of armpit now too
- stomach aches after eating food no matter what food
- diagnosed IBS
- autoimmune symptoms including burning skin rashes and patches after eating meals, skin burning (nonspecific to any food, i keep food diaries)
In the past year alone my condition has deteriorated, doctor doesn't care I have had to seek all blood testing myself and fight with the doctors to be seen. doctor said i'm not deficient. my ferritin is also only at 18 and they said i'm not deficient. they are gaslighting me, meanwhile all my hair is falling out and they don't take it seriously. i am a young woman and I'm too young to feel this sick for so long. i have taken iron/vit c supplements and they don't help. i don't absorb stuff well at all.
have seen multiple specialists, nobody has been curious enough to put the pieces together. have seen neurologists, dermatologists, primary care, allergist, GI, ENT, and more. Nobody has ever thought to test me for this nor commented on my deficiency-like symptoms. i've been gaslit and labeled as a hypochondriac and anxious/depressed person. they've thrown pills at me for everything - depression, migraines, anxiety, stomach issues, and more.
living in the cracks of the failure of modern medicine in one of the "best healthcare cities and states in the USA and the world"