After getting diagnosed I lost faith in anything good and literally became a different person

Dear autistic community,

It’s been 2,5 years since my diagnosis but I only feel this way more and more. It’s like this deep, constant, existential awareness of the fact that no matter how hard I try, I won’t find acceptance and understanding in the world. Before I knew I was autistic I used to live off a very powerful feeling of hope that someday I will “be done fixing myself” and “will become good enough”. Mostly I dreamt of being a genius, famous and extremely talented in some way. It was like my life was constantly lit by glowing golden brick road to that magical future. I know it was unhealthy. But it gave me reason to try. I used to live a full life. I was able to have friends, travel, experience things, I used to daydream and laugh and love everything around me.

After diagnosis, and some other personal stuff, this identity slowly started to fade away. Now I never leave my house, only cry and watch comforting tv shows and rely on support from a loved one to function. I experience autistic burnout with skill regression, and it doesn’t bother me so much as I read a lot about it and have a general understanding of how this process works.

What does bother me is that when I look inside myself, I want to start uncontrollably crying. There is such emptiness, like a gorgeous flower field burnt to ashes. I tried everything I could think of to give myself new hope, new dreams, but it just doesn’t last. The feelings of loneliness and not belonging are too profound.

What’s the point of expressing anything at all, if I will never find true understanding? If I will never be allowed to just live? There is judgement everywhere, from everyone, and the only way I could live was because I didn’t realise that people were laughing at me, mocking me and hurting me on purpose. It was my own endless belief in humanity, love and acceptance that made me know acceptance. If that makes sense? I just don’t know how to move past it. It just doesn’t seem that being autistic is something “acceptable” or “allowed to exist”.

God I became such a cynic. I don’t believe in anything anymore. What happened to me? I used to always, always care. I feel like my heart was ripped out and stumped on until there was nothing left. It’s shocking to learn that the world and people around you are so different from what you thought. I just don’t believe anymore that I could belong, anywhere at all. How do I crawl out of this?