WhichGrocer - Grocery Price Comparison Tool

Hey folks,

I have seen a few people ask in this group asking about ways to track prices of groceries and create shopping lists, so I would like to share with you a site I run which does just that:


It allows you to create shopping lists for Woolworths,Coles and IGA, and shows you side by side what the prices are for those products to see where your bill would be lowest. Basically a bulk price checker that you can refresh the prices whenever you want. It can also show you the most cost effective way to buy all products in your list, if you don't mind visiting multiple stores. Theres a few other neat features also like showing price histories for products and all specials across all stores in one place.

I am continously improving the site and hope to give everyone the maximum value that I can from it so I would love to hear your feedback and suggestions.

P.S. Big thanks to the mods for allowing me to share this and being so welcoming into this group.

Edit: Added a quick demo of the site for those who want to see what its like without creating an account
