Desperately need help with budget

Hey guys, I'm ditching the nest sometime early next year (I hope), from Syd to Melb. 22M, broke student, looking to be close to the CBD (hopefully I can sell my car and whittle down the budget further).

I have 2 beautiful cats that I dont want to leave behind with my abusive family, so I will either take them or give them to a friend.

Here's my budget (based on Moneysmart's budget planner):


  • Weekly pay: $500 (assuming ~20 hours of work per week, fitting into a VERY busy uni schedule)
  • Fortnightly Centrelink Youth Allowance: $500


  • Weekly rent (flatshare) ~$250
  • Monthly mobile $25
  • (I'm not sure of things like electricity and water are usually counted in rent, as well as wifi)


  • Monthly car insurance $110 (Green P plater)
  • Annual contents insurance ~$300
  • Monthly pet insurance ~$180 (2 cats)


  • Weekly supermarket ~$100, (I try to eat healthy whole foods which I think hikes this price up)
  • Weekly pet food ~$20
  • Monthly toiletries ~$20-30
  • Monthly pharmacy $20
  • Annual dental ~$200 (very rough number, I haven't been to the dentist in over a year, not sure how much it costs)
  • Quarterly doctor ~$200 (same to dental, I know Medicare covers most accidents but I'm not certain on the number so rather safe than sorry)
  • Quarterly pet care ~$1000 (Not sure on this either, the cats are young and yet to have any serious medical problems)
  • Monthly hobbies ~$100 (Architecture school supplies are very expensive)
  • Quarterly clothing ~$200 (In case stuff breaks)
  • Weekly gym ~$40 (planning on normal gym + social sport)

Entertainment/Take Aways:

  • Weekly coffee ~$25
  • Weekly take aways ~$45
  • Quarterly books ~$30


  • Weekly Public transport ~$50
  • Fortnightly petrol $100 (hate my 2007 Camry it gets maybe 400km per tank)
  • Annual Rego ~$800-1000 (again Green Ps)
  • Annual repairs ~$500 (rough balling, the Camry really sucks)

This makes for a total of ~$39k, against ~$43k in expenses. How do I lower my expenses? I am seriously considering selling my car, but I would need to find a good place to live first with accessible PT. I am very desperate to keep my costs down. Is there anything major you see that could be whittled down?
Thanks guys!