Is this "normal" UK hygiene?
As an international student I have been quite shocked at some of the practices that I've seen, so I'm just curious as to whether these examples I've come across constitute normal behaviour in the UK, because where I come from (Singapore) most of these things would be completely unacceptable and people would find you disgusting:
Leaving toothbrushes lying sideways on bathroom countertops
Flushing toilets with the lid open
Using tea towels to mop the floor and then reusing them to dry dishes etc
Eating breakfast before brushing teeth
Wearing shoes in the house / bedroom / in bed
Wearing outside clothes in bed
Stepping barefoot after showering
Leaving dishes to dry with bubbles on them
Leaving cutlery to dry directly on the kitchen countertop
Letting sponges sit in the sink
Is this normal for the UK or is it just that I'm surrounded by students or just people with a poor concept of hygiene?