Question for teachers based in Northeastern US

Hi there! I’m currently a student-teacher in my last semester of college before teaching. I am currently based in a blue city within a red state. I have been witnessing/experiencing some really awful behavior from teachers during my time student-teaching and it has really discouraged me from finishing out my student-teaching semester. I’ve asked my advisors what I can do to stop/report this behavior and their answer is basically “nothing. These are the people who decide if you pass or fail; These are the people who write your recommendations.”

I dread going to school every day. I cry in the morning before I leave. It devastates me to watch these kids be mistreated and know that my options are: speak up for them or keep my position. I joined this profession to speak up for kids. I love the kids with all my heart and I love teaching. I’ve had overwhelmingly positive feedback from my cooperating teacher. Everything “should” be going well, and yet….

I’m moving to begin my career somewhere in the Northeast US (because of generally better pay/benefits). My question is: is it like this everywhere? Is this a result of my location or is this just what working in a school will be like? Is it even worth it to finish out the semester? I don’t think I can do this if this is just how working in schools is )-: