My anger costed me my job (M30)
I was let go from a factory job today after only 2 weeks in and it was due to my own anger from something from my personal life that went down in November. Had a huge falling out with a friend and couldn’t seem to let go of the past.
Nothing really bad had happened where others were at risk but when I was brought into the office, the supervisors explained it was a zero tolerance policy of what I did. Completely understandable.
I broke a couple of plastic bottle caps and threw my own goggles into the ground. It made a few others uncomfortable as well and it made sense since they didn’t know me and I was starting out. It was crazy that something minor as that can lead to consequences within one day. It led to suspension. Then the next day, termination which was decided by HR.
I went into the office and talked to the Supervisors one last time. I completely owned up to the situation and they wished me luck on getting the help that I needed. I took the L.
It was a decent paying job too which was making 21.10 hourly and paid weekly.
After what happened from all of this, I’ve learnt my lesson and to not take any future opportunities for granted on whatever stumbles upon my way.
Keep moving forward.