Why there's a sudden hate towards Indian parents ok reddit?

I've noticed on Reddit that there's a lot of hate people have for their parents, especially talking about Indian parents. I don't get why people hate them so much. I've specifically noticed this in the case of women, where parents are not allowing them to date or are scolding them for not clearing some exams or so. When they post about it on Reddit, I see comments like "please move out of the house," and when the user says it's not possible, people say "stay at home until you have a job, then move out and never come back."

I mean, if you have so much of a problem, then why use your parents until you're financially independent? If you want to leave them, then do it right at the moment, no? How selfish can you all be to use and then abandon them?

How often do you sit with your parents and discuss their struggles in life? If your partner is upset with you, you all would behave like, "Aww, aww baby, what's wrong? I'm here, etc., etc." But when it comes to your parents, you don't even want to sit and have a conversation with them.

After spending lakhs on education, shouldn't parents have some expectations from their children? I've seen recent stories where many people failed miserably in NEET and are now looking for private colleges where fees are as high as 70-80 lakhs. Parents are willing to pay these fees, but they shouldn't say anything to the child for not clearing NEET, right? They should just deposit the fees in private colleges, and even if the child fails to achieve something, there should be no accountability from that child.

Whatever parents say, you feel like they are against you in terms of career, marriage, etc. If you want to make decisions yourself, great, please do it, but hold yourself accountable if something goes wrong. If after making a decision it backfires and you end up in trouble, then don't expect your parents to be there. You really can't have it all. Your parents are not obliged to help you emotionally or financially. It was your decision, and you have to work it out by yourself.

You want unconditional support from your parents but you'll support them on a condition that they should be unconditional. wooow

Edit: Downvoting has started because I know I got into the skin of you all here who want unconditional love and support from parents but want to live them with conditions, you all who do not want to sit with them to discuss their struggles but expect them to understand if you fail an exam. Bloody loosers

Edit 2: So much selfish children downvoting post and comment 😂.

Edit3: when i wrote specially women it's just on the basis of amount of posts on reddit which I see, i nowhere mentioned about the gender anywhere else. It's not about gender