Why Do I Start Hating What Everyone Else Starts Liking?
Lately, I've been struggling with a weird pattern in my life. I realize that I begin to hate things I once loved as soon as they become popular with everyone else.
For example, I had a favorite dish that I absolutely loved, but now that it's become trendy and everyone is raving about it, I can't stand it anymore. The same thing happened with an artist I used to admire. Once she gained mainstream popularity, my admiration turned into disdain.
Even my career isn't safe from this feeling. I chose a field that I was passionate about, but now that it's becoming overcrowded, I feel the urge to shift to something else.
I've learned that this might be related to something called "psychological reactance," where we react negatively to feeling that our choices are influenced by others. It might also be linked to the "snob effect," where things feel less special when they become popular.
Why is this happening to me? Am I built wrong? Has anyone else experienced something similar? I feel lost ig :/