Urgent: May be stuck in Japan with no way home

Hello, I am in a very very bad situation. Im from Texas and Im stuck in Japan because Im terrified of flying back home, due to possibly permanently damaging my ear on the plane ride.

I have Eustachian Tube Dysfunction, and before flying over to Japan I went to two ENT appointments where they ran audio and pressure tests on both my ears and the doctor said I should be fine to fly and in fact that she highly doubts I would be in excruciating pain (as I expressed as my worry). Well fast forward to now, I was on two flights where the descent was the most excruciating thing I've ever experienced. I had all the things ready, decongestants, water, gum, nasal sprays, ibuprofen, earplanes, etc. and all of that didnt do anything to help me. My right ear would only pop in tiny increments and went into extreme areas of pain where I almost fainted. The seconf flight was the worst and I drank so much water to keep swallowing that I rushed to the bathroom during landing and puked up water. After getting off and landing in Japan my ear hurt, hearing was muffled, and even my throat hurt (almost exactly what feels like my eustachian tube hurt really bad). Now at the end of the day, maybe 5 hours after landing, I have no ear pain, a slight sore throat, my hearing i think has 90% returned while my ear is still popping, and I have developed tinnitus in my right ear. There has been no bleeding or leakage out of my right ear at all so I dont think its a rupture. But now Im stuck on the other side of the world with what seems like no way home unless I want to pay the price of possible permanent life-long hearing loss and tinnitus.

Can a doctor or ENT please help me? Im so panicked right now and if its at all possible that my symptoms dont point to permanent damage the reassurance to get back on a plane and go home would be forever appreciated

General Info: Female, 27, no allergies, history of ear infections when I was a child, otherwise healthy, and I pride myself on eating well.

UPDATE: I woke up the next morning and my right ear canal feels wet, would that be a sign of rupture? The fluid is clear light yellow and runny. So like my normal earwax but liquidy.

Also pseudoephedrine is illegal in Japan. I plan to see a doctor while Im here to check my ear but that could be a couple days. Does anyone know of other medications that work just as well as pseudoephedrine that are legal over here?

Thank you all, the encouragement and info has calmed me very much. I can get through this, and Im very grateful for your responses ❤️