How do conservatives feel about facing backlash from family or friends for their beliefs?
This is an honest question. As someone who very progressive, I of course disagree heavily with conservativism. I live in a very conservative part of the country though and most people I know are conservative or even if they are moderates/ left leaning on policy like Healthcare or Marijuana, they are still very socially conservative.
I have seen people in my social circle complain massively though about the personal backlash they are getting. I'm not saying getting fired from their job for liking a Trump post. More like friends and family being very critical and harsh for being MAGA. I'm very confuse about this. I seen all over social media people in my community talk about lazy gov workers rto, ICE raids, firing of workers, "owning the libs", hope for a national abortion ban, praying for a third Trump term, etc.
These aren't taxes but heavy topics that people are proudly talking about all over. How is it not fair to face criticism for this? I'm not debating any of the policies or wanting discussion about said policies. This post is about why people are upset after winning the election, enacting policy that Is divisise, and than proudly supporting it on social media. How is that not inviting backlash? I avoid personally avoided said topics as much as possible but I can't say I disagree that people shouldn't face the consequences of such public discourse especially in the social media age.