If the community wasn't as bad, would you still hate AI?

I've noticed that a common thread in the backlash against AI and generative AI imagery is often less about the technology and more about the culture around it.

Don't get me wrong, the narcissistic, incel-ish chauvinistic culture common within tech-bro circles is infuriating, and since techbros are definitely the loudest "creators" of AI content, it's easy to conflate the two.

But let's assume we lived in an ideal world, one in which the community around AI image generation isn't as bad or as toxic as it is now - tech bros don't try to actively steal other artists work, pretend they are artists while at the same time denigrating other artists, and in general weren't big creeps. There would also not be any content farms in this universe, and anybody that is using AI in their content is applying the principle of "quality over quantity", editing the generated footage so as to have (some) artistic intent and be of higher quality than the raw output. Same thing for deceptive content - besides showing off technical prowress, people are honest when they are showing AI generated images/video.

If the "AI community" was like this, would your opinion on the technology itself is AI change in any way? Or would they remain the same? Genuinely curious. I myself might see the technology more positively, and might even see it more as a "tool", but still just avoid trying to use it.