Today my sister got humiliated at school by her math teacher

My sister always liked to draw at class, its irresponsible, but comprehensible to a certain point, I believe most artists can relate to that somehow.

She became known for doing this in her class and even by the teachers, who, sometimes, get to call her attention about it and tell her to pay attention to the content of the class, which is very normal considering that thier job requires them to encourage dicipline and all that.

Going straight to the point, her math teacher, upon noticing that she was drawing in his class, pointed out that it looked meaningless and that is a waste of time (weird) and gave a little speech about how pointless it is to put so much effort into something that AI can do better (ever more strange, considering the situation, no one had ever mentioned AI near him nor anything, and the fact that this came from a teacher???).

My sister's reaction, accoring to her was to simply say that she has her opinion and he has his, which kinda fits the situation, there was no reason to talk about that in a math class, much less out of nowhere, but the guy simply kept his monologue.

She said she tried to argue with him, apparently the conversation followed the straight line we usually see in the internet:

1- AI doesn't create good art

2- it does lol

1- it steals art

2- it was online lol

1- it copies

2- u too lol

Of course, the debate goes much further than that, but she is 14, she does not know how to articulate well, and she doesn't understand most of the things related to the discussion either.

The teacher was speaking in a way that made her feel insecure, and of course she would, she doesn't know what to say, after that her classmates laughed at her because she was "trying to sound smarter than the teacher"

Apparemtly she broke down while all that happened and it made the situation worse.

I don't know what else to say, Im sorry if I commited any mistakes about english or anything.

Here is the drawing in question:

Edit- Thank you people for all the support you gave, my sister was literally jumping out of happiness from knowing that there are people who appreciate her art.

And my personal thanks too.