Meaningful action with limited power

Like many of you, I plan on attending protests against many of the actions of the Trump regime. But to be honest, neither the BLM/George Floyd nor the Occupy movements, arguably the largest protests of our generation, seemed to have any meaningful effect on policy change or stopping fascism/oligarchy.

In the current climate, large scale protest and violent disruption that was effective past movements seems like it will serve as pretense to use military enforcement/martial law, and add to further chaos.

In such an environment where our power is severely limited, I wonder if sustained economic violence on a large scale would be another effective strategy to protest by harming the interests of both the regime and those in the opposition who still act on corporate interests over the people’s. This would include concerted efforts to the following:

  • Choose to shop locally and avoid corporate retailers.
  • Targeted boycotts of the businesses that support the regime or bow to its interests.
  • Minimize spending on items that are non-essential, minimize or eliminate online spending.
  • Supporting local community programs such as food banks, healthcare providers, libraries, local education etc.
  • growing food for yourself and neighbors
  • participate in the general strike
  • work slowly/cause delays to corporate and government interests. Generally gum up the efficiency of those systems.
  • divest from problematic corporate stocks.

Of course, because many of us are living paycheck to paycheck, in food deserts, or are otherwise bound by the system as it stands now, this all comes with the caveat of “to the extent possible.” But I believe that these efforts of sustained economic violence could have a real impact on the one thing that seems to motivate these bastards: their money.