Dear Amazon DPS Drivers

Just to clarify I am not a driver nor do I work for amazon, however I would like the driver to keep his or her job so I would like to know the best possible route to go. Sunday morning at around 5:31AM a DPS driver clipped the mirror of my truck after delivering a package, I didn’t know and the driver didn’t knock on my door to inform me, I honestly didn’t even know until I left for work the next morning, didn’t think much of it other than well that sucks I’ll get another mirror, until Amazon called me in regards to an incident that occurred during delivery, my first thoughts were, okay maybe my extended family ordered something to their home and one of the dogs got loose so they felt unsafe? After some more clarification through Amazon support I was informed the driver had collided with one of my motor vehicles but didn’t report which one they hit, obviously being the mirror now. My biggest question is, how should I move forward in regards to Amazon repairing the mirror without getting said driver fired? I am kinda upset they left without knocking or at least a note but I also understand that if you got deliveries and you don’t make much unless you deliver you gotta do what you gotta do.