AITA for unknowingly manipulating my friends?
apologize for formatting, i’m on mobile
i’m (15NB) in a minecraft group, filled with a bunch of other teens. every summer, we get a realm that we play on together.
me and ‘brandon’, 17M are best friends. he has a best friend ‘cecilia’, 16F. me and brandon are very close. we send eachother videos on how to better ourselves. i’m sure to keep them in mind as i speak to my friends.
i started feeling a little iffy about brandon when we were talking about my ex. i told him that i broke up with her because i realized that i don’t experience romantic attraction. he dismissed the thought and said i just haven’t found the right person. he said that he used to think that about himself, but that he fixed himself so now he likes girls again. i brushed it off, thinking about it as a one time issue.
over the next month, he starts to do more stuff like that. he separated our minecraft beds (i put them together as a joke) and i acted jokingly upset about it. i didn’t have a problem with it, it was just funny. he told me to not make such a big deal about it, and that i shouldn’t joke about that stuff.
i moved out of our house, on the same island, and planted a big forest that was near his house. i’ll admit, it was a hassle, but when i asked my friends, they said that they didn’t have a problem with it.
i asked cecilia if i could add some decoration to her bridge, she said i could. i asked her if she was sure, and that i wouldn’t care if she said no. she said yes again, so i went ahead and decorated it.
one day i log on to the realm, and brandon is online. i say hello, he doesn’t answer, so i figure he’s afk. a bit later he says “have you seen what happened to our island” and i said no. he told me to come up from the caves, and that he was mad at me.
i come up and he’s burned down my forest. i ask him why, he says something to the extent of “because it’s a terrible thing to add to this island. it’s in the way and it crowds up half of the island.” i’ll give him that. looking back, i should have been more considerate.
i ask if that’s all, and he says no. he then says something to the extent of “you’re taking this game too seriously. you worked for hours on a map and when the server deleted your progress, you were too mad. you were mad when i took my bed from yours. i’ve been telling you to not take it so seriously”
i tell him that i’ve been trying, and it’s not my fault that my life is bad enough for me to have to project into a video game to stay happy. at this point, i’m sobbing in the living room.
he tells me i manipulated cecilia into saying yes to redoing the bridge. he tells me that i’m not allowed to log off when i ask, that he’s not finished talking to me. he tells me that i’m manipulative, and when i asked if he would help me be better, he said no.
i logged off and blocked him. i left the realm. everytime i speak (this incident was months ago) i carefully think it over to make sure i’m being as not-manipulative as possible. it would ease my mind to get closure.