AITA for not cleaning the house?
My husband (32) and I(31) own a house, and we both work full time. His work is 6:00-2:00. Mine is 8:30-5:00. We drop our one child at daycare from 8-4pm 4 days a week. I also am in online college, and am doing school full time. Here's where it gets sticky. Prior to work and school I stayed home and cooked 3/4 of the meals and did a majority of laundry. In my opinion it makes sense that my husband takes over a majority of cooking and cleaning since he has time to himself, and is home earlier than me. Especially since when I get home I want to prioritize spending time with our son and doing schoolwork. However, he disagrees and feels that the chores still need to be split equally. His reasoning is that I should be getting up with him in the morning instead of doing homework at night. My reasoning for not doing as much is that he has free time during the day, and that he's home sooner, so timing makes more sense if he cooks dinners. Am I the asshole for putting it on him to do a majority of the chores and cleaning in the house?