AITA for refusing to pick up a package?

I'm posting this because I feel like I might be the asshole and I want to figure out what to do. Here's the story:

I (M27) live in the same city as my sister (F20). We were close as children, but when my parents shipped me off to a cult-run boarding school that I didn't want to go to, we lost touch. We see each other over holidays and I've gone out of my way to buy her treats and build a relationship with her, but she doesn't usually have time for me. Occasionally if she's free, we'll go somewhere together. She needs the brakes changed on her car and one of her auto mechanic friends will do it if she has the parts. That's where the problem comes in. My parents shipped the parts to my apartment. They live across the country. Before they did this, I warned them not to ship the parts to my apartment. My apartment complex does not accept packages over a certain size and instead ships them to a USPS facility about 20 minutes away that's only open during business hours. My parents told me that it would be fine and that there would be no issue with me getting the package. I told them that there would be an issue and to please send it to my sister's address instead. No dice.

Well, the package didn't get shipped to the USPS facility, but it's being held in the apartment complex office which is open during weird hours. I commute to work 30-45 minutes away and can't get to the package during business hours. My parents insist that I go in late to work or come home early to get the package. My sister hasn't contacted me about this at all. Technically, I can go into work early or late, but I took a mental health day today and I have a lot that I need to catch up on. I can't tell my parents that I took a mental health day or they'll be upset. I'd miss about 2 hours of work trying to get the package (if the apartment complex office is open during the posted hours which is honestly a crapshoot).

I might be the asshole because my parents helped me out significantly with money during my last year of graduate school and plan to help me fix parts on my car during Thanksgiving for free. Helping out would require me to go out of my way a bit but not too much (though I know it will make me extremely anxious giving the timing). I easily could do it. To be honest, the problem isn't helping my parents and sister out. The problem is that my parents don't care about my wishes. This summer when I was staying at home and my car was in the shop, they revoked my permission to use one of their cars to take a weekend trip to see my girlfriend less than 12 hours before I was set to leave. She'd already taken off work, cleaned her house, and went grocery shopping for the weekend. I told them clearly not to ship the package here, they did it anyway, and now they expect me to deal with the consequences that I TOLD THEM would happen.


EDIT: My parents have been trying to guilt trip me, saying that they do a lot for me and this shouldn't be too much trouble at all. My issue isn't the trouble it would take, but the fact that they did not listen when I asked them not to ship the parts here.