AIO to my boyfriend leaving my apartment door open all night

Context: F[24] dating M[25] both of us were slightly high so some events are fuzzy but that also generally happens with high stress situations for me.


Susie is my cat

Last night me and my boyfriend got into a fight and I really don't know why. I was in bed playing a card game on my laptop waiting for him to come home, when he came inside already in a low mood. He just seemed disappointed as soon as walked in. He got home at around 10:10 PM and we hadn't seen each other since the morning when I woke up at 6 AM since I worked and he started work when i get off work. We were texting throughout the day and it seemed fine 10 minutes prior to him getting home. We kept talking about how excited we were to see each other and saying how we loved each other. This has been a problem in our relationship that I've vocalized to him before, but I still don't understand why.

Back to the main issue, he just started being really dull with me. I was moving my laptop over so he could come lay with me and we could cuddle and he just seemed really indifferent. I asked him what was wrong and he essentially said something along the lines of him having expectations regarding him coming home vs the reality. I was confused and i can't recall if I asked him what he meant but I know I have before. But I know I definitely let him know I was sorry for my low energy but I'd been up and on my feet the whole day and was up at 6 AM whereas he was able to sleep in due to working a PM shift. I didn't say this but to add, i work 7 days a week. I have my main 9-5 on weekdays and work every weekend at a restaurant as a waitress. I don't really get to sleep in and find myself exhausted by 9 PM but keep myself up till midnight most nights to have some time with him when he works PM shifts.

After I apologized and reminded him, he still just seemed upset. I don't even know how it got here, but he started to get mad at me. Our relationship has been super unhealthy in the recent year. Me and him have agreed to actively put our best foot forward to be better towards each other and communicate more healthily. In all honesty, I thought I was the problem as I have anger issues and he used to tell me I probably have BPD from my childhood. This fight made me realize that I may not be the sole perpetrator of escalation.

He starts going on about how he misses me, and I told him I missed him too but its not fair to take our his unspoken expectations that he projected onto me to meet. He then acknowledges that but then continues to be upset. He gets up as im speaking and he is by the door and starts talking to me in a very immature way again I can't recollect verbatim because I think he was talking over me and that's why I couldn't hear what he was saying because I was trying to focus on maintaining composure and getting my words out. The sentence ended with me assertively saying "the way you're treating me is unfair and the way you're acting is childish"

He walks to the kitchen, away from me and starts yelling at me from the kitchen about how I just called him a child. I clarified that I called his actions childish, not him and that it's frustrating when he gets like this because he sticks to one thing i say that he doesn't like and then that becomes the focal point of the argument and we never get around to resolving actual issues. He comes back to the bedroom door and says more and then calls me a "Mother fucker" out of the blue. I was shocked as I literally had been as calm and collected although assertive as possible and asked him to leave as this is escalating. He blamed me for escalating it and I disagreed and let him know that he is the only one raising his voice, calling the other names, and being blatantly disrespectful and uncooperative in communication.

He slams my door closed and I think "that's it, he left" my cat Susie was still in the room. I let out a sigh and just begin crying to myself. Again, i literally think I'm alone. I give myself 5 minutes of crying, really thinking to myself idk what I did wrong, and then I get up to let my cat out of the room because if anyone knows how cats are with closed doors, that's not allowed in their book and when I open the door, there he is. Just standing there looking at me. I kinda put myself the door to put it between me and him so he's not just staring at me and ask him what he's still doing here. He says to me "What are you doing?" While I'm putting the door between us. I don't even understand what he meant. Like he's asking me why I'm doing that but I don't really know I just did it. Meanwhile he still didn't answer my question as to why he was still there. He then begins to walk towards me and I back away from him. I tell him "No don't touch me. Don't touch me" because he begins to try and hug me and keeps telling me to "Come here" because im crying. He comes all the way into the bedroom and keeps trying to hug me and i climb into the bed and sit in the middle and far away so he doesn't.

A conversation begins as he won't leave and it essentially is us trying to still talk but he clearly is still in the same attitude and mindset. I begin to lay out my feelings AGAIN. I was listing off how his actions made me feel and he does this thing where he will listen and seem healthy and then if I go on a little too long he says things like he did last night, calling my feelings "redundant".I was frustrated and asked what did it matter if they're redundant to him. They're my feelings and they matter and if he didn't wanna hear them he needs to just leave. He says that's fair and things still don't work out. I really don't know what happened but I know he blew up at me again, slammed my door, I cried again, and he actually left this time.

We texted and we were gonna talk about it further and left the night on a better note.

Until I woke up this morning and saw my fucking apartment door was open the whole night. The entire night, it was just left ajar, enough to see it's open but thankfully not enough to see inside because a closet door in that hallway is broken and just always stays open, but still enough for my cat to squeeze through and go out into the hallway of the apartment hallway.

I was so livid. And I don't know if I'm overreacting but especially with all this immature behavior, I wanna call it. It's one thing to jeopardize my safety, disrespect me, and just overall be this way, but my cat is very sweet and loving. If someone took her especially this lady on my floor who's accused me of not feeding my cat because she heard my cat meowing from the other side of the door (my cat is literally just dramatic and misses me, she lives the life of a princess).

So am I overreacting? Are my texts too much? We left off on a good note and then I woke up to that and it sent me over again. He hasn't read em as he hasn't woken up yet, but I'd like some insight on this. Like I know a lot of you will be like "it's obvious that ______" but I come from a very dysfunctional household where I know behaviors are wrong, but I was forced to stick around. I have a very skewed view of what's acceptable and what's not, and what is a rough patch and what's not.
