aio? my boyfriend said something really disturbing
i’m at my boyfriends house, and he’s playing on his xbox w his friends. as i’m sitting here, i suddenly hear him shout on the mic “bitch in the corner! rape her!” (actually meaning like, kill her in the game). he has never said anything like that and i keep repeating it in my head. i am so shocked that came out of his mouth. would he say that if it was a guy? why’s it so easy to joke about rape?
aio by feeling really uncomfortable and completely turned off and not wanting to be intimate for a long time. i’m seriously considering just going home (we were supposed to spend the next few days together). i also cussed him out and threw a bunch of f bombs and yelled at him and he apologized but didn’t change anything. he didn’t even stop his game
edit: i wanted to add i understand being upset at a game and having “fun” ive heard him say a bunch of crazy things but this was over the line for me.