AIO Our neighbors won’t let us sleep.
I don’t know what to do, my boyfriend and I have been living in our apartment for about a year and we have an extremely noisy neighbor upstairs. The noises have been happening since we moved in but originally, weren’t very frequent because he was gone a lot of the time and there were nights where we could get a full 8 hours of sleep.
As of recent, the noise has been occurring every night, and we later found out his girlfriend moved in- explaining why the noise is now constant. The noises sound like a constant stomping and banging noise ranging anywhere from 11pm to even 5am. Sometimes it seems like they’re pulling all nighters. We told the landlord and she chatted with them- leading them to leave a note on our door asking to “email about the noise”. So we did. We were maybe even too kind in our email but we were honest. They dusted it off and ultimately said what we were hearing was “bathroom trips” between the hours of 10pm-12am which simply is not true. They also blamed it on street noise. My boyfriend and I personally enjoy the street noise compared to their startling activities up there.
Mind you, this guy also knocked on our door aggressively at 12:30am one night for 20 minutes straight when we decided to confront the noise by knocking on the ceiling with a Swiffer. We do that once in a blue moon because we desperately need sleep and want them to know they’re keeping us up. We also met him once in person and talked about it but got no effective results. He claims he works from home and his girlfriend is unemployed, for context.
Flash forward to a week ago, my boyfriend and I have had enough- leading us to once again text the landlord. The landlord had a meeting with them, upon their request and now the landlord claims there are “discrepancies between the two stories” and now we all have to meet.
Am I overreacting for not wanting to meet with them? We’ve tried everything we possibly could and I don’t think a meeting will change their ways. What discrepancies could there possibly be? We wouldn’t be making this up or staying up until 3-4am for no reason. We use ear plugs and blast two fans and even that doesn’t drown out the loud stomping and pacing around all night. I simply just want them to be quiet so we can finally get a night of 7 hours of sleep minimum