You most likely do NOT look younger

Someone has to say it, so I’ll give you a hard-to-swallow pill.

Everybody loves to brag that they look 10 or 20 years younger than their age because people tell them so. Has it ever dawned on you that people might be fake? Has it ever crossed your mind that people are giving you fake compliments? And that they pretend to be shocked and clutch their pearls when you tell them your age? How can people be so naïve?

I’ve met maybe three or four people in my entire life who TRULY looked younger than their age. And my profession has led me to interact with thousands of people from all walks of life. Everyone else looked their age or older. Yet they love to brag about how much younger they look.

Bartenders card older people to flatter them and get bigger tips. When I worked in a high-end store, we were instructed to act shocked whenever people revealed their age and say that they looked 7 to 10 years younger, because we needed to flatter them to sell them our products. Cashiers card anyone who buys alcohol especially at Trader Joe’s. People who work at Trader Joe’s are nice. Days ago, I saw a toothless lady in her 70s being carded, and the cashiers kept saying, “WHAAAAAAT!!!???? No way!” She went home believing she looks young.

I’ve seen some ladies who MIGHT look younger at first glance because they dress stylish, but once you look at them up close, they resemble Egyptian mummies.

Let’s find a cure for aging, a horrific disease. And stop saying that aging is beautiful or that you should be proud of your old body. Is arthritis beautiful? Is cognitive decline desirable? Is an enlarged prostate sexy? Is vaginal atrophy ideal? Girl, please!

I have to say that men tend to be more delusional than women, but women can be delulu too. The amount of old men who hit on women much younger than themselves is astounding. And these men are viewed as revolting old creeps by the younger women they covet. These men truly believe that hot, sexy, young women have posters of old geezers in their bedrooms and that these women lust after the hair sticking out of their ears, their sagging scrota, their bald heads, and their bellies. Yuck!